What a nice few days after all that rain! We almost got to go for a boat ride in Kealey's basement. Her parents are mean. They did not want the water to be there. I think a water park would be a great feature for a house!
Calvin has a bunch of new words. Please, thank you, and all done are my mom's favorite. Dad likes R2D2, bottom, honk, bonk, and hey,hey,hey. Other good ones are uh-oh, grandma and grampa, woof, no, tractor, teeter totter, mommy, daddy, bye,bye, fish, play, want some, nose, ears, mouth, belly, this, ball, hot, outside, and more, bread, cuckoo, up.
We have been learning how to ride our bikes! Our neighborhood is very hilly so it has taken us lots of time to get a hang of it... and I am still a little unsteady...but if you ride really fast and then stop... you can make a SKID! And that is way cool.
I called my dad at work today to see if he would come home early and help me work on my submarine. He said he would, and he did. Just up and left work to play Legos. That is commitment.

He took a picture of this coming home from work yesterday. I guess sometimes one just is not enough!

We got a webcam yesterday so here is a video of us testing it out! It might be broken because I raise my left hand and my right one goes up. Sign up to skype and we can be superterrific best video web pals! Just like grampa did when he was little. Right grampa?
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