Monday, September 22, 2008

Shoots and Ladders

We got balls out of the gutter this weekend. Here are some pictures of our progress:

Mommy is never home to be a part of these fun moments for some reason?..?

We went out to breakfast and had yummy pancakes at Blueberry Hill. The baby actually ate more than Daddy, no joke.

We have been biking every day this week for several hours and Zach and I have been getting better and better.

Thomas (not me) bit Leo on the bus today and they both got in trouble. We rode our bikes to Joey's house Saturday night and his dad has a red tractor. We then went to the Cremery and had rainbow cones. I ran and ran in circles. Dad called it some sort of a high, although I did not climb anything?!?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I like warm weather!

What a nice few days after all that rain! We almost got to go for a boat ride in Kealey's basement. Her parents are mean. They did not want the water to be there. I think a water park would be a great feature for a house!

Calvin has a bunch of new words. Please, thank you, and all done are my mom's favorite. Dad likes R2D2, bottom, honk, bonk, and hey,hey,hey. Other good ones are uh-oh, grandma and grampa, woof, no, tractor, teeter totter, mommy, daddy, bye,bye, fish, play, want some, nose, ears, mouth, belly, this, ball, hot, outside, and more, bread, cuckoo, up.

We have been learning how to ride our bikes! Our neighborhood is very hilly so it has taken us lots of time to get a hang of it... and I am still a little unsteady...but if you ride really fast and then stop... you can make a SKID! And that is way cool.

I called my dad at work today to see if he would come home early and help me work on my submarine. He said he would, and he did. Just up and left work to play Legos. That is commitment.

He took a picture of this coming home from work yesterday. I guess sometimes one just is not enough!

We got a webcam yesterday so here is a video of us testing it out! It might be broken because I raise my left hand and my right one goes up. Sign up to skype and we can be superterrific best video web pals! Just like grampa did when he was little. Right grampa?



Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Rocking Harvest

In the spring Zach, Dad, Calvin and I planted over a hundred corn plants. This was the week of the exciting corn harvest. I'd have to say we about broke even. Maybe next year.

The baby likes to rock!

Everyone but me has been sick all week, and to celebrate we decided to take a walk in the shoes of our Uncles, Michael and Matthew. (Brendan still can't game yet)

I have been rocking that violin! We found some digital drum pads for Zach. Rock on.

Looks like Calvin may start poopin on the potty before Zach. Uh-Oh

Monday, September 8, 2008

Rainy Day

We went to the library at school today. Today was 'S' day. I think I will bring Spiderman to school to celebrate that letter.

After school I practiced my violin with mom. Here is a video of that!

We were watching the violin video and found a movie I made this summer after my birthday which I entitled, "The Unsuspecting Visitor." I hope you enjoy it!

I guess it is pretty easy to tell whose personality traits came from each parent. Mommy really likes potty humor!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Busy week

I can't believe I have to do this for 16 more years. And that's just a BS! Class of 2024... This whole getting up everyday at 7am and having to leave by 8:30 has gotten really old. It really cramps my style. I have so much less Lego time. And with music lessons! When will it stop? I can't wait for Christmas break. My violin lessons are going well. I had to play "pepperoni pizza" on the E and A string and I did it. My teacher and I played it together! I'd like you to even try to get me to do it for you! NO WAY! This week I work on "blue berry."

My dad got an R2D2 robot for his birthday. It is sooooo cool.

It plays games, songs, and patrols the house. Baby doesn't like him very much. He tries to knock him over. He is in for a real rude awakening when the new baby comes.

Here is a picture of Uncle Brendan's new futon and Uncle Michael's turtle