Today was fun! It seemed that today I was the only one to have white milk for a snack drink. I also learned that you have to finish your snack before my teacher starts talking. I wonder what I was doing during snack? I ride the bus with my new friend Joseph who lives three houses down from me. He is also in my class. Tomorrow, I get to sit by the window! I'll let you know how that works out. Here are some pictures from the summer.

Here is me at the beach.

Here is me in a tree. I like to climb trees A LOT!
We had a going away party for Brendan. He threatened to put his face in the cake, but my dad put a sparkler in the cake instead. We thought it was a firecracker and was going to explode. Dad says something about therapy to straighten it out. I wonder if mom was home it we would have had candles!!!

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