Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I can't say I enjoyed the days up to Halloween too much... there is a lot of spooky stuff out there...especially since we had to go to 4 stores to get Zach's Robin costume...

Here is Zach's pumpkin. He drew a picture of Kealey on it.

Here is the family pumpkin. We were talking about all the things that scare us. Dad is afraid of people jumping out from behind doors. I am afraid of pumpkin yuck. Dad chased me around the house with a handful. I hid behind a door and scared him. I guess we are even.

School was fun. We all dressed up and mom came and helped with games after the parade. The highlight was that we all got glow in the dark bracelets!!!

We went candy taking next. We got lots of candy and it was so much fun. Zach says he really loves Halloween! My favorite treats were the spicy Cheerios and the fruit chewy snacks. Zach's is skittles and kit-kats.

We went over to our friends house in our new car on Halloween. Dad went dressed up as a box and as Martin Luther since it was Reformers day after all! Here we are!

We had two Devin Hesters show up at the party... They must have run into Beetlejuice on the way over.

Zach told me about how Karissa told him to touch his lips to hers. Hmmmm. Dad said something about a wire and a restraining order. Something to do with covering his bottom.

Happy Voting!

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